The NEXT: A combination museum, library, and preservation space containing 30 collections and over 3000 works of born-digital literature owned or managed by the Electronic Literature Organization, an international arts organization. As a member of the web development and database team, I contributed to the project by creating prototypes, coding webpages, and designing and developing the project’s database.



I created interactive prototypes for the visualization page of The NEXT in desktop and mobile sizes. These were made in Adobe XD and followed the style guidelines set by the project manager.

Visualizations desktop
Desktop prototype of the visualizations page of The NEXT
Visualizations mobile


Our team built these pages using HTML, CSS, SASS, and JavaScript. After entering information into the database, PHP was used to populate over 3000 dynamic web pages. The web and database team used GitHub, Basecamp, and Slack for collaboration and quality control during this development phase. Additionally, I was responsible for creating the data model and updating it as the database evolved. It became our guiding documentation as our team built the database in PHPmyAdmin.

public data model jan 2022
Data model for the NEXT


Finally, I was a member of the team presenting The NEXT to the Electronic Literature Organization conference in May 2021. At this conference, our team explained how The NEXT is more than just a website.  It is a digital museum, library, and preservation space for born-digital literature collected by the Electronic Literature Lab.

View The NEXT